Cookies policy

At we use "cookies" in order to offer a better, more personalized service and to help make navigation easier and more tailored to the preferences of our users.

What is a cookie? A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer the first time you visit a page. On each computer there is a folder intended to save all the cookies that are introduced. There can be no virus in a cookie.

What are cookies for? They serve so that when you return to the website we can offer you the information that interests you most, since it stores information about a user.

What data is stored in cookies? An identifier that allows you to process orders, access your account and view information related to your purchasing process. In addition, we include third-party cookies that allow us to provide contextual and advertising information related to the visitor's browsing tastes.

What do we do with the information? We only use it to be able to manage your order properly, and show you appropriate information.

At we use two types of cookies, our own and those of third parties, and we detail information about it:

At, depending on who manages them, we use two types of cookies, our own and those of third parties:

Own cookies: These cookies are sent from our computers or domain and will help us, for example, save your user settings such as the language and version of from which you browse. In addition, it allows us to manage your shopping cart and keep the products added to it while you browse our website.

It also allows us, once you have identified yourself with your email and password for the first time, to not have to re-enter this data every time you visit In the header, "Hello" will appear and then your name or email. This will make it more comfortable for you to navigate our website. Remember to use the "Logout" option if you access our website from a public computer.

Please note that, as a measure to guarantee the security of your personal data, you will have to identify yourself to process your orders or access the "My account" section.

Third-party cookies: These are those that are sent from a domain that is not managed by us, but by another external entity. Such as analytical cookies. We use the Google Analytics tool to track and statistically analyze the users who access our pages. These cookies do not identify the user or store their private data, but only collect information about the browsing that users do anonymously through to statistically track it.

Third-party cookies also include those from social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. Social cookies are necessary to control user interaction with the widgets and content of the different social platforms within our page. The conditions of use of these cookies and the information collected are regulated by the privacy policy of the corresponding social platform.

There are also advertising cookies, used to show our ads on other web pages, based on the products that the user has seen during previous browsing. These cookies are introduced, for example, by Google through remarketing for display ads, although we do not allow these companies to collect personal information about users. This means that confidentiality is guaranteed and that personal data will not be used by other websites or marketing databases.

You can consult our Privacy Policy.

Depending on their purpose, we use this type of cookies:

Functional and necessary: Strictly necessary for navigation, guaranteeing the security and correct functioning of our different services, such as the purchasing process, access to your personal area, and help from our Customer Service.

Analytics: They allow us to study the behavior of visitors on our website in order to optimize, add new functionalities and improve browsing performance.

Advertising: We store information about your interests and browsing history to show you tailored advertising based on your browsing profile, interests and demographics.

Personalization: They allow us to optimize your browsing experience on our website and show you tailored content, such as suggestions based on your favorite or visited products.

List of cookies used on

Name Purpose Supplier Expiration time
PHP_SESSID Functional and necessary Session
rc::a Functional and necessary Google Persistent
rc::c Functional and necessary Google Persistent
Facebook 3 months
Facebook 3 months
Facebook Session
Advertising 179 days
Advertising Session
Advertising Session
Advertising Persistent
Advertising Persistent
Advertising Session
Advertising Session
Advertising Session
Google Session
_ga Analytics Google 2 years
_gat Analytics Google 1 day
_gid Analytics Google 1 day
_gd# Analytics Google Session
_gat_gtag_UA_# Analytics Google 1 minute

Most browsers automatically accept "cookies" but it is also possible to configure them to not accept or block them. If you deactivate them and do not allow the installation of cookies in your browser, you may not be able to access some of our services and your experience on our website may not be as satisfactory. In this case, the user will be able to browse the website, but in order to make a purchase on it will be essential that the browser accepts the so-called "session cookies", those that exist only while remaining on and disappear if the user is close the browser.

Information on how to disable cookies

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer. However, you should note that some cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of this page.

  • For more information about managing cookies in the Chrome browser, click here .
  • For more information about cookie management in the Firefox browser, click here .
  • For more information about cookie management in the Safari browser, click here .
  • For more information about managing cookies in the Internet Explorer browser, click here .
  • For more information about cookie management in the Opera browser, click here . may modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, therefore users are advised to visit it periodically.

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