Legal warning


Name of the company: Najarad, SL (BIKILA commercial name)
CIF: B-80486350
Activity sector: Retail and wholesale trade of footwear and sports textiles
Registered office: Avenida Donostiarra, 2 – CP 28027 – Madrid (Spain)
Telephone: 902 241 251
Fax: 913 267 061
Madrid Commercial Registry : Volume 5175, Folio 1, Section 8, Sheet M-84742, Inscription 1.

THERE ARE COMPLAINT SHEETS AVAILABLE TO THE CONSUMER (Decree 1/2010 of January 14 of the Government Council, which approves the Regulation of Law 11/1998, of July 9, on the Protection of Consumers of the Community of Madrid). You can request them from us by writing to
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