General conditions of use

These General Contracting Conditions apply to the contracting of the products offered to any Internet user who places an order through the website hosted at, owned by the entity NAJARAD, SL, which operates under the BIKILA trademark.

BIKILA's identification and contact information are as follows:
Registered office: Avenida Donostiarra, 2 - 28027 - Madrid
NIF no.: B80486350

Procedures and hiring process

To purchase the products, customers must be registered on, follow each of the procedural steps provided for on and add them to the shopping cart that will be generated as the products to be purchased are selected. .

Shopping baskets are not binding on BIKILA or on customers.

In subsequent contracting processes, once clients have already registered, it will only be necessary for them to provide the email address and password with which they registered on

Clients must make diligent use of the credentials and not make them available to third parties, as well as immediately notify BIKILA of the loss or theft of the same or of possible access by an unauthorized third party. Likewise, clients undertake at all times to provide truthful information about the data requested both in the user registration form and in the purchase and sale contract and to keep them updated. The registration of this data is mandatory, and the failure to complete it by the user or the provision of incorrect data will make it impossible for BIKILA to correctly manage the orders placed. Also, they undertake to keep their personal access codes to confidential and with the utmost diligence.

The user, in order to obtain certain functionalities (add to favorites, contracting process, etc.), requests to register by creating a user account, which will be validated by their personal and non-transferable password. To do this, the user freely and voluntarily provides the personal data required in the information gathering form for user registration.

The web service provider is not responsible for false or erroneous information provided by the user for registration in the different services offered by the website, nor for the consequences that occur in the use of said non-real or incorrect data.

Conditions of use of the identification and personal access code:

The user will select as a username the contact email and a password, of which they will make personal and appropriate use, agreeing not to make them available to third parties, and to notify Najarad SL of the loss or theft of the same or the possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that immediate blocking can be carried out.

Words that are intended to confuse third parties, swear words, insulting expressions and, in general, contrary to the law or the requirements of morality and good customs, may not be used as contact email.

Najarad SL will impose the technical conditions for maintaining passwords in terms of minimum number of characters, type of characters, number of authorized erroneous access attempts, blocking and recovery of users and passwords, as well as the timing of password renewal or the expiration due to user inactivity. Likewise, Najarad SL will impose its conditions and technical means for registering users and personal and billing data related to it. The same will happen for requests for modifications and user cancellations. Najarad SL reserves the right to block users if it considers that there is a breach of any of the conditions set out above.

Prices and payment methods

The price of the products will be the one that appears in Euros on and will include VAT and/or, where applicable, any other tax and/or fee that is applicable in the territory of application, as well as, where applicable, any shipping costs. In the case of large volume orders, BIKILA reserves the right to modify the shipping costs of your order depending on its volume, amounts that will be duly notified to customers immediately.

BIKILA reserves the right to make, at any time, any modifications it deems appropriate to the price of the products. In any case, the price applicable to the contracting order made by the clients will be the one stated at the time of accepting the privacy policies regarding the selected products.

Customers must pay for the contracted products using the payment methods provided on the website. Where applicable, customers must include the payment information required in the product purchase procedure. After said payment, customers will receive an email confirming the purchase of the products along with the general contracting conditions. Customers may download the purchase invoice from their customer account or may request it in physical form by writing to The sending of said physical invoice will be made through the transport agency that BIKILA chooses and will have a cost of 5.00 euros, which the client must pay in cash upon delivery.

Delivery of the products

Once BIKILA has verified that the purchase has been made correctly, it will proceed to deliver the products to the address indicated by the customers in the purchase procedure within a period that, in no case, will be longer than thirty days from the date of purchase. Order confirmation.

Customers will be able to track orders from their customer account, through the tool provided on

The delivery of the products will be considered carried out from the moment in which they have been made available to customers.

If at the time of delivery of the products, the customers are absent, they must contact the courier company hired by BIKILA or the Customer Service to arrange another delivery date.

All product purchases are subject to product availability. In case of unavailability of the contracted product, BIKILA will inform customers and may offer them a product with similar characteristics of equal or higher quality, although customers may cancel their purchase and recover the amount paid as soon as possible.


BIKILA makes every effort to provide product information that is accurate and complete and as up-to-date as possible. However, the color of the products displayed on may vary depending on the characteristics of customers' devices. To this end, BIKILA reserves the right to rectify the images of the products when necessary.

BIKILA will not be responsible for any errors that may occur in the delivery of the products in the event that customers have not correctly completed the purchase form enabled on If there is any incident in the delivery, BIKILA will inform customers as soon as it becomes aware of it.

The risk of the products will be transferred to the clients from the moment they have been made available to them and, in the case of their return, they will continue to be the responsibility of the clients until they are delivered to BIKILA. Likewise, BIKILA will not be responsible for failure to comply with any of the obligations derived from the general contracting conditions due to force majeure.

Legal guarantee of products

Complaints about products purchased in a BIKILA store must be processed by going to the store where the purchase was made with the product and the invoice or purchase receipt.

The guarantee of the products offered by BIKILA through its website and all its physical points of sale means that:

a) The product will be delivered in perfect condition and in the requested quantity.

b) The product will conform to the characteristics most recently indicated by the manufacturer, as established on the website or in the description of the product materials at the time of placing the order.

Najarad SL does everything in its power to deliver the products in optimal condition. However, if you receive a product that you believe is defective, you must keep it in its current condition so that we (or our agent) can check it within a reasonable period of time. In the event of a defective product, the seller must proceed, as appropriate, to repair, replace, reduce the price or terminate the contract, procedures that will be free of charge for the consumer and user. The seller is responsible for any lack of conformity that appears within a period of three years from delivery. The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity from the moment they became aware of it. This clause will be applied taking into account the nature of the good marketed.

To activate the guarantee it is necessary to present:
Purchase invoice from Najarad SL.
In any case, the serial number of the product to be repaired must correspond to the files owned by Najarad SL.
The guarantee will begin on the same day of delivery of the order.

If you want us to repair or replace the product or refund the amount paid, you must ensure that the product:

- It has not been used incorrectly or negligently, it has not been handled inappropriately or recklessly and it has not been subjected to abnormal or harmful conditions. In this regard, manufacturing defects will not be considered, but rather incorrect use and/or wear caused by normal use. For example, any product that has not been properly maintained, damage caused as a result of a poor size choice, involvement in an accident or that has been damaged when attempting to repair or modify it.

They will not be considered manufacturing defects but rather incorrect use and/or wear caused by normal use:

- Any damage caused by accidental use. Example: deformation of the shoes, wear of the soles, friction in the fabrics, etc.

- It has not been used contrary to the purpose for which it was designed according to the manufacturer.

- It has not been used incorrectly or negligently, it has not been handled inappropriately or recklessly and it has not been subjected to abnormal or harmful conditions.

- It has not deteriorated due to natural wear and tear after receipt.

- The product has not been altered or attempted to be fixed personally or in any establishment prior to the defect claim.

In the event that the product does not meet any of the aforementioned requirements, we may decide, at our discretion, not to repair or replace the product or refund the amount paid and/or we may ask you, if applicable, to refund all transportation costs and revisions arising according to the current standard rates.

There is an online dispute resolution platform that you can access from here .

Due to health, hygiene and safety regulations, any used garment must be cleaned before sending it to us. In the event that we receive a garment that is rejected due to bad odor or excess dirt, we will NOT process your claim and we will contact you to tell us what steps to follow to return the garment, since in these cases we will not assume shipping costs of any kind. guy.

Right of withdrawal

You can withdraw your order. For this and more information click here .

Personal data protection

In relation to the personal data provided by customers during the product purchase procedure, BIKILA, in its capacity as data controller, will process them for the purpose of managing the sale and delivery of the products contracted through , as well as, where appropriate, to send informative communications to clients.

Clients may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, or others, by sending an email to

In the event that customers want more information about the privacy policy, they can consult it in the privacy policy.

Complaints and claims

Customers must contact BIKILA, through, to express their complaints and claims, BIKILA committing to make the complaint form available to them so that they can be addressed as soon as possible and, in any case, within the period of one month from when they are presented.


If any of the clauses of the General Contracting Conditions are declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will affect only said provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective and they will remain in force in all respects. others, considering that such provision or the part thereof that is affected has not been put in place. For these purposes, the General Contracting Conditions will only cease to be valid exclusively with respect to the null or ineffective provision, and no other part or provision thereof will be annulled, invalidated, damaged or affected by such nullity or ineffectiveness.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The General Contract Conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation.
In accordance with art. 14 of Regulation 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, on online dispute resolution in consumer matters, customers are informed that they can submit their complaints to the dispute resolution platform available at the following link:
Likewise, in the event that any conflict or discrepancy arises in the interpretation and/or application of the General Contracting Conditions, the competent Courts will be those that establish the applicable regulations regarding competent jurisdiction in matters of consumers and users.

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